Source code for joystick_reader

Interfaces with the script. :py:class:`JoystickReader` retrieves values from that script, and stores them in :py:class:`Axis` objects.

The `Axis` objects average values as they come in based on their parameters.

When the Blender addon needs readings, `JoystickReader` collects the averages from each `Axis` and returns them as a dictionary.


import random # just for testing, gen random vals

    import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
    from . import mpu9250_i2c
    error_message = False
except ImportError:
    error_message = True

[docs]class Axis: """ Stores rolling average of recorded values for an axis. :param name: name of the axis, e.g. 'ax','wy',etc. :type name: str :param keep_vals: number of recently read values to keep for averaging. :type keep_vals: int :param weight: factor to weigh last-read value :type weight: float """ def __init__(self, name, keep_vals=10, weight=0): = name """ name of the axis """ self.vals = [] """ last few values recorded """ self.average = 0.0 """ current average """ self.keep_vals = keep_vals """ number of values to keep """ self.weight=weight """ weights the last reading """
[docs] def add_val(self, val): """ Append value to recently-read values and update average based on weighting. :param val: value to add :type val: number """ self.vals.append(val) while len(self.vals) > self.keep_vals: self.vals.pop(0) total = 0 for each in self.vals: total += each self.average = (total + val*self.weight)/ (len(self.vals)+self.weight)
# print(f"{val} added to {}, new avg: {self.average}")
[docs] def get_last_val(self): """ Get the last read value of this axis. :returns: last value :rtype: number """ return self.vals[len(self.vals)-1]
def zero(self): self.vals = [] self.average = 0
[docs]class JoystickReader: """ Interfaces with sensor and updates axis objects with readings. :param trigger_pin: The raspberry Pi GPIO pin that the trigger button is wired to. :type trigger_pin: int :param top_pin: The raspberry Pi GPIO pin that the top button is wired to. :type top_pin: int :param keep_vals: The number of sensor readings each axes will store for averaging. :type keep_vals: int :param weight: The factor by which each axis will weight the last-read sensor value. :type weight: float """ def __init__(self, trigger_pin, top_pin, keepvals=10, weight=0): """ Interfaces with sensor and updates axis objects with readings. :param trigger_pin: The raspberry Pi GPIO pin that the trigger button is wired to. :type trigger_pin: int :param top_pin: The raspberry Pi GPIO pin that the top button is wired to. :type top_pin: int :param keep_vals: The number of sensor readings each axes will store for averaging. :type keep_vals: int :param weight: The factor by which each axis will weight the last-read sensor value. :type weight: float """ self.trigger_pin = trigger_pin self.top_pin = top_pin # GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # GPIO.setup( [self.trigger_pin, self.top_pin], GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_UP) self.acceleration_x = Axis('acceleration x', keep_vals=keepvals, weight=weight) self.acceleration_y = Axis('acceleration y', keep_vals=keepvals, weight=weight) self.acceleration_z = Axis('acceleration z', keep_vals=keepvals, weight=weight) self.gyro_x = Axis('gyro x', keep_vals=keepvals, weight=weight) self.gyro_y = Axis('gyro y', keep_vals=keepvals, weight=weight) self.gyro_z = Axis('gyro z', keep_vals=keepvals, weight=weight) self.axes = [] """ A list of the used axes. Includes self.acceleration_x, self.acceleration_y, self.acceleration_z, self.gyro_x, self.gyro_y, and self.gyro_z :ref: `joystick_reader.Axis` :type: Axis """ self.axes.append(self.acceleration_x) self.axes.append(self.acceleration_y) self.axes.append(self.acceleration_z) self.axes.append(self.gyro_x) self.axes.append(self.gyro_y) self.axes.append(self.gyro_z)
[docs] def load_pins(self, trigger_pin, top_pin): """ Change the RPi.GPIO pins for the top and trigger line. Turns off input detection for previously active pins. :param trigger_pin: The raspberry Pi GPIO pin that the trigger button is wired to. :type trigger_pin: int :param top_pin: The raspberry Pi GPIO pin that the top button is wired to. :type top_pin: int """ GPIO.setup([self.trigger_pin, self.top_pin], GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_OFF) self.trigger_pin = trigger_pin self.top_pin = top_pin GPIO.setup( [self.trigger_pin, self.top_pin], GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_UP)
[docs] def load_keep_vals_and_weight(self, new_keep_vals, new_weight): """ Changes retained values length and last value weighting for all axes. :param keep_vals: The number of sensor readings each axes will store for averaging. :type keep_vals: int :param weight: The factor by which each axis will weight the last-read sensor value. :type weight: float """ for ax in self.axes: ax.weight = new_weight ax.keep_vals = new_keep_vals
[docs] def end(self): """ Turns off detection for currently active RPi.GPIO pins. """ GPIO.setup([self.trigger_pin, self.top_pin], GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_OFF)
[docs] def get_round_of_random_values(self): # for testing without RPi.GPIO """ Adds a value between -5 and 5 to each Axis. Used for debugging Blender addon outside of Raspberry Pi environment. """ rand_min = -5 rand_max = 5 ax = random.randrange(rand_min,rand_max)/100 ay = random.randrange(rand_min,rand_max)/100 az = random.randrange(rand_min,rand_max)/100 wx = random.randrange(rand_min,rand_max)/100 wy = random.randrange(rand_min,rand_max)/100 wz = random.randrange(rand_min,rand_max)/100 self.acceleration_x.add_val(ax) self.acceleration_y.add_val(ay) self.acceleration_z.add_val(az) self.gyro_x.add_val(wx) self.gyro_y.add_val(wy) self.gyro_z.add_val(wz)
[docs] def zero_gyro(self): """ Zeros gyroscopes. """
[docs] def get_vals_from_sensor(self): """ Gets values from :py:mod:`` , which interfaces with the sensor. Passes sensor reads to appropriate Axis object. If sensor fails to read, sets global error flag. """ global error_message try: ax, ay, az, wx, wy, wz = mpu9250_i2c.mpu6050_conv() # print(wx,wy,wz) # self.acceleration_x.add_val(ax) # self.acceleration_y.add_val(ay) + 0.98 # grav offset # self.acceleration_z.add_val(az) self.gyro_x.add_val(wx) self.gyro_y.add_val(wy) self.gyro_z.add_val(wz) error_message = False except ( NameError, ModuleNotFoundError ): error_message = True
[docs] def get_averages(self): """ Returns average readings for each Axis object as a dictionary. :returns: Axis averages and GPIO pin reads. :rtype: dict """ return { 'ax':self.acceleration_x.average, 'ay':self.acceleration_y.average, 'az':self.acceleration_z.average, 'wx':self.gyro_x.average, 'wy':self.gyro_y.average, 'wz':self.gyro_z.average, 'top': GPIO.input(self.top_pin), 'trigger': GPIO.input(self.trigger_pin) }
[docs] def get_last(self): """ Returns last readings for each Axis object as a dictionary. :returns: Axis last-reads and GPIO pin reads. :rtype: dict """ return { 'ax':self.acceleration_x.get_last_val(), 'ay':self.acceleration_y.get_last_val(), 'az':self.acceleration_z.get_last_val(), 'wx':self.gyro_x.get_last_val(), 'wy':self.gyro_y.get_last_val(), 'wz':self.gyro_z.get_last_val(), 'top': GPIO.input(self.top_pin), 'trigger': GPIO.input(self.trigger_pin) }